WTO Paralysis Demonstrates America’s Dominance of Global Trade

7 min read

Mr. Trump ruthlessly side-lined the WTO. The US now understands its power over trade, because Trump knows you either use it or lose it. Sometimes, what you don’t do matters most. On December 10th, 2019, it became clear that the United States was not bluffing. The deadline passed, and the US did not allow appointments to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) appellate, leaving the body hamstrung. It was the culmination of Donald Trump’s signature strategy. The beginning of the end was November 2016. Donald Trump had not expected to win, but now he’d have to deliver on his campaign pledges…....

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William Murphy I've been in the technology industry for 30 years. I began my career writing code to emulate IBM cluster controllers in the twilight of mainframes. In the early 2000s, I designed provisioning software for British Telecom's national MPLS network, before moving into IP network design. In the last ten years my outlook has become more commercial. My academic training started with a. first in Computer Science, and I received my MBA from Durham. I'm a keen runner and play piano.

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